Collaborative doctoral studentships

About GLAM's collaborative doctoral research

Oxford University Gardens, Libraries and Museums (GLAM) co-supervise a number of collaborative doctoral studentship projects which are funded by UKRI collaborative doctoral award and doctoral training partnership schemes, by funders including the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). See below for details of GLAM collaborative doctoral projects.

Each collaborative doctoral studentship is jointly supervised in partnership between one or more of our GLAM institutions and academics from UK Higher Education Institutions (HEI).

Oxford GLAM's AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Partnership (CDP) began in October 2016 with studentships open to the Ashmolean Museum, History of Science Museum, Museum of Natural History and the Pitt Rivers Museum (CDP 2). From 2020 the programme widened to allow studentships to be supervised by staff from Oxford Botanic Garden & Arboretum, and the Bodleian Libraries (CDP 3).

For general enquiries about Oxford University GLAM collaborative doctoral awards please contact Dr Harriet Warburton (

For enquiries about specific projects please contact the project supervisors named below.

Apply to co-supervise a collaborative doctoral project

Collaborative doctoral projects have been transformational for GLAM. They are producing research that helps us to develop new perspectives on our collections and they are helping to train a new generation of scholars working between the academic and heritage sectors.

GLAM is very keen to continue to co-supervise collaborative doctoral studentship projects and we strongly encourage GLAM colleagues to apply to the many collaborative doctoral studentship schemes on offer:

The links above take you to overview pages for each scheme on the UKRI website. These contain lists of consortia who offer collaborative doctoral training opportunities (with additional links) from which you should find information on how to submit a proposal (NB the list above is not exhaustive).

How to apply

  1. Check scheme deadlines: Deadlines for proposals are variable so please check scheme webpages for latest information and deadlines.
  2. Check your eligibility: Eligibility for each scheme is slightly different, therefore you should check the scheme notes carefully. GLAM will usually be the non-HEI collaborating partner on the project or can be secondary supervisor if working with an Oxford University Academic Division (because GLAM can’t matriculate students). Contact the scheme administrator before applying to ensure your eligibility as a GLAM researcher.
  3. Co-develop the application with your HEI partner. You should ask the partner what their internal process is.
  4. Obtain GLAM internal approval: Before applying, you must liaise with your line manager to ensure that there is enough capacity and resource to be able to co-supervise the studentship (which will not bring any funds to your GLAM department but may require a financial contribution towards student research expenses).
  5. Secure financial contribution (if required): Depending on the scheme, the lead HEI usually administers the studentship, receiving funds for the student’s fees and maintenance. In addition to the full studentship award, GLAM departments may provide up to £2,000 per annum per student (pro rata) to cover the costs of travel between the HEI and Oxford, and related costs in carrying out research. You must liaise with your departmental Head of Finance and/or line manager to ensure that funds will be available if required.
  6. Get support with your application: Get in touch with Hattie Warburton ( and/or Emma Webster ( in the GLAM Research and Impact Support Team if you are thinking about applying to collaborate on a studentship project and would like support in your application, and/or if you have any questions about collaborative doctoral studentships more widely.

(Please note this is not a call for proposals directly from students. If you are a potential collaborative doctoral student then studentships are often advertised on and on host higher education institutions’ websites.)

2025 collaborative doctoral student projects at Oxford University Gardens, Libraries and Museums

Digital Approaches to Medieval Chant and Local Religious Heritage

A 4-year funded Collaborative Doctoral Award (CDA), co-supervised between the University of Nottingham and the Bodleian Libraries in Oxford, will start in October 2025.

More information is available here:

Midlands4Cities (M4C) Find a project - and how to apply

Further particulars

The deadline for applications has now passed.


Evaluating the Influence of Tangible 3D Printed Replicas on the Museum Experience

The University of Warwick and Oxford University Museum of Natural History are pleased to announce the availability of a fully funded doctoral grant in 2025. The project will explore in-depth the impact of tangible 3D printed replicas on education outcomes and visitor experience. It will employ a rigorous, mixed-methods approach borrowing heavily from the well-established discipline of industrial user experience (UX) and user centred design, augmenting traditional museum evaluation techniques with robust UX methods that have been extensively tested in other industries.

This studentship will be jointly supervised by Professor Mark Williams & Dr Paul Wilson, University of Warwick, and Professor Paul Smith & Janet Stott, Museum of Natural History, Oxford University.

For full details of the studentship, including further particulars and how to apply, please follow the link to the advert on the University of Warwick website.

In preparing your application and proposal, you are encouraged to contact the supervisor at Warwick, Professor Mark Williams (, who would be very glad to communicate with prospective applicants by email, telephone, or Skype/Zoom.

The deadline for applications has now passed.

2024 collaborative doctoral student projects at Oxford University Gardens, Libraries and Museums

2023 collaborative doctoral student projects at Oxford University Gardens, Libraries and Museums

2022 collaborative doctoral student projects at Oxford University Gardens, Libraries and Museums

2021 collaborative doctoral student projects at Oxford University Gardens, Libraries and Museums




2020 collaborative doctoral student projects at Oxford University Gardens, Libraries and Museums



2019 collaborative doctoral student projects at Oxford University Museums



2018 collaborative doctoral student projects at Oxford University Museums


2017 collaborative doctoral student projects at Oxford University Museums



2016 collaborative doctoral student projects at Oxford University Museums