GLAM PCER Toolkit: Opportunities by category
This section of the Oxford University Gardens, Libraries and Museums (GLAM) public and community engagement with research (PCER) Toolkit (‘GLAM PCER Toolkit’) contains a list of PCER opportunities for researchers with GLAM.
The public and community engagement teams within GLAM are experts in the development and delivery of public and community engagement activities and are open to conversations about what might be possible. They can advise on successful formats and are also keen to explore new types of engagement activity.
If you are a researcher who would like to work with GLAM’s collections and in our spaces, please get in touch at the start of your research planning process so that ideas can be discussed, developed and factored into funding applications. Contact information for each GLAM institution can be found in GLAM PCER Toolkit: Getting started and in the categories below.
Please be aware that GLAM venues have full and busy programmes and it may not be possible to pick up activities that have already been fully developed or to deal with urgent requests. Ideally, activities should be co-created with GLAM from project conception and researchers should get in contact early so that we can work together to develop your ideas. Please note that while researchers may contact GLAM departments directly they are also encouraged to contact departmental/Divisional PCER facilitators for interim support/guidance.
The categories below and the lists therein are not exhaustive or mutually exclusive and there may be many more possibilities depending on the nature of the project. There is plenty of scope for projects which combine more than category or activity; for example, a project which combines a digital tool for schoolchildren with lectures and other events. There is also scope for cross-collection PCER activities such as trails and multi-site exhibitions that span more than one GLAM institution, examples of which are highlighted below. (Please note that opportunities are subject to change.)

GLAM PCER Toolkit | Getting started |
| Opportunities by category | Opportunities by institution | Case studies |
(Please note that opportunities are subject to change)