GLAM PCER Toolkit: Opportunities by institution
In addition to the activities listed below (in alphabetical order by institution), there are also opportunities for bespoke events/activities, debates and discussions, talks and lectures, and working with schools. There are also opportunities to work across GLAM institutions.
Click the links below to jump straight to opportunities in that GLAM institution (contact details in brackets):
Ashmolean Museum | Contact: PER Coordinator, Zoe Bampton (
Bodleian Libraries | Contact: Public engagement with research team (
History of Science Museum | Contact: Public engagement office (
Oxford Botanic Garden & Arboretum | Contact: Deputy Director and Head of Science, Dr Chris Thorogood (
Oxford University Museum of Natural History | Contact: Public Engagement team (click for staff contact details)
Pitt Rivers Museum | Contact the museum for more information (

GLAM PCER Toolkit | Getting started |
| Opportunities by category | Opportunities by institution | Case studies |
(Please note that opportunities are subject to change)