Multi-format late night events
Late night events are held at regular intervals throughout the year across many of the Oxford University Gardens, Libraries and Museums (GLAM) venues. They are aimed at an adult and student audience and are a relaxed and fun way to engage with the public.
Multi-format events may contain a variety of different public and community engagement with research (PCER) activities, e.g. talks, hands-on demonstrations, etc. and may provide a good opportunity for researchers to experiment.
Late night events at the Museum of Natural History and the neighbouring Pitt Rivers Museum are often run in tandem, offering potential for collaborative cross-collection work.
Planning may be up to six months in advance but the multi-format nature of the events means that researchers can be added relatively late in the day. However, it is still advisable to get in touch with the institution in question in good time before the event to assist with planning.
Please be aware that GLAM venues have full and busy programmes and it may not be possible to pick up activities that have already been fully developed or to deal with urgent requests. Ideally, activities should be co-created with GLAM from project conception and researchers should get in contact early so that we can work together to develop your ideas. Please note that while researchers may contact GLAM departments directly they are also encouraged to contact departmental/Divisional PCER facilitators for interim support/guidance.

GLAM PCER Toolkit | Getting started |
| Opportunities by category | Opportunities by institution | Case studies |
(Please note that opportunities are subject to change)
- Late night events can attract a range of audiences and are an excellent way to engage young adults and students
- They can also be a great way to initiate and develop partnerships with a range of organisations and groups
- Late night events can be a space in which to explore innovative PCER practice (musical and theatrical performances, drop-in workshops, interactive activities, short talks, etc.)
- These types of events can be time and resource-intensive and need careful planning to ensure the balance between creating an enjoyable activity and delivering engagement messages
- These types of events require effective collaboration and a clear vision or focus for all the activities, to avoid feeling a bit ‘hit and miss’. Late night events are social events and engagements often take a lighter approach than other types of activities with more formal engagement. A strong theme that links activities can help to focus and improve the overall impact of diverse events
- The delivery of out-of-hours events leads to reliance of variable hours staff to provide cover, which needs to be considered as it is a defined resource. As well as being costed in to the activity, planning and long lead periods need to be observed to avoid any clashes
List of considerations adapted from UCL Engagement's 'Putting on a public event'
Costs can be variable and events may be planned up to a year in advance so contact the relevant team to discuss capacity / resources.
- Staffing, e.g. Education Officer, technical services support) – although may be given ‘in-kind’. See section on How much will the PCER activity cost? in the GLAM PCER Toolkit for further details
- Collaborator costs, e.g. speaker/performer fees, travel costs, refreshments) – although if these costs apply then the activity may be better categorised as a bespoke event
- Activity costs, e.g. craft/activity materials, additional printing
- Event costs, e.g. orientation signage, design or print materials
- Press release & additional marketing support (if required – may be covered via regular GLAM channels)
- Evaluation costs, e.g. Evaluation Officer time, survey costs (tablet or paper surveys)
- Film & photography
- AV and other equipment hire beyond that provided by the GLAM institution and/or the researcher
Note that this is not an exhaustive list and that these type of activities may incur costs not listed here.
Please contact the relevant team to discuss costs as soon as possible.

Bodleian Libraries
Library Lates showcase some of the cutting edge research being undertaken by the Bodleian and academics across the University and include activities such as talks, interactive demonstrations and live music in a relaxed environment.
Library Lates are ideal events for early career researchers and those new to PCER to develop public and community engagement skills and to share knowledge through talks and hands-on demonstrations.
Example: Library Lates: Sensational Books
Further examples/information: Events and exhibitions webpage
Contact: Public Engagement team (

Oxford University Museum of Natural History
Late Nights are relaxed and fun large-scale biannual themed evening events which allow researchers to share their work through accessible activities including talks, hands-on demonstrations, games, film screenings and performance. They usually take place on a Friday night.
Late Nights are ideal for early career researchers and those new to PCER who are keen to develop their public and community engagement skills and to experiment with new methods of presentation.
Approx. costs: Costs are moderate but variable and depend on the scope of the researcher’s ambition, who should contact the team to discuss their ideas
Example: Late Night: A Buzz in the Air...
Further examples/information: Events webpage
Contact: Education team (

After Hours / Late night openings
Pitt Rivers Museum
After Hours / Late night opening are large-scale biannual themed events aimed at an adult audience. Usually taking place on a Thursday or Friday night, late night events provide the opportunity to create a fun, festival atmosphere in which to bring research to 500+ visitors in one evening.
Late night openings allow researchers to develop fun and accessible engaged research activities including talks, hands-on demonstrations, and film screenings.
Approx. costs: Costs can be variable but upwards of c. £4,000 for whole event (not incl. evaluation costs)
Example: ‘My Normal' Museum Takeover
Further examples/information: Events webpage
Contact: Events team (