Lead institution/dept: Radcliffe Science Library (Bodleian Libraries)
Partners: Ashmolean Museum, Oxfordshire County Library
Abstract: This joint project between the Ashmolean Museum and Bodleian Libraries will pilot digital making workshops. The development of digital making activities within Gardens, Libraries and Museums (GLAM) would provide a means of testing new ways of engaging audiences, creating partnerships with the local maker movement in Oxford, and building the coding skills and IT confidence of GLAM staff.
Digital making is defined by Nesta as ‘learning about technology through making with it’. Using affordable and flexible small computers such as the micro:bit and Raspberry Pi, traditional craft activities can be combined easily with technology. Through learning simple coding skills, light, sound, movement and interactive elements can be added to models or projects. While technology can supply the mechanism for digital making, the inspiration can be provided by the rich collections held within GLAM.
The project will have three distinct but connected strands: The first will seek to develop the knowledge and confidence of GLAM staff in using digital technologies, specifically coding skills. The second strand will develop and test activities. This will include running digital making workshops aimed at families and young people at the Ashmolean as well as evaluating digital making projects developed by staff– e.g. using digital making skills to create an interactive exhibit. The third strand will use the project to create a shared pool of Raspberry Pi and micro:bit devices and accompanying resources that can be borrowed and used for events taking place in any GLAM institution.